Spirit of Grace Ministries
Spirit of Grace Ministries
-- Feeding Jesus' sheep
-- Equipping His servants
-- Proclaiming His Gospel

Become Non-Diabetic in Four Months!


Welcome to our Four-Month Beat Diabetes Challenge! I cannot guarantee anything, of course, but I believe that most diabetics can see A1c's in the non-diabetic range (A1c < 6.5) in four months and often they will find themselves in that wonderful "Five's Club," if they strictly adhere to the dietary, low-carb intervention as it is described in this challenge.


Work with your doctor as you make dietary changes. Inform him or her of the changes you will be making and if you are on diabetic meds or insulin, ask your doctor if your dosage needs to be changed once you significantly reduce the carbohydrates in your diet. If you are changing from a high-carb, standard diet to a low-carb diet, your doctor will surely want you to cut back on any meds or insulin you are taking, and watch your glucose levels carefully, especially in the first few weeks.


Here are the steps to participate in this four month challenge (Click on each graphic):




STEP 1 - Learn of and agree to "the 8 pillars." Click here to learn the nuts and the bolts of the lifestyle change you will make for the next four months.







Step 2 - Throughout these four months, you will be assigned videos to watch. To be an official member of this challenge, you must agree to watch the videos I will share with you, week by week. Click here to watch a video - about watching videos.







Step 3 - There will be a menu given for each of the four months. Click on the picture to learn what this involves and what substitutions can be made.






Step 4 - Test your glucose! This is a vital aspect of this challenge. Click on the pic to the left to learn how, when, why, and how often to test.





If you agree to follow these steps/guidlines and want to start receiving short messages and important links from me, I need your email address. Send an email to grace@spiritofgrace.org with "Count Me In" written on the subject line.






To figure your A1c at home, test your glucose 5 times in one day:

  1. Fasting glucose in the morning
  2. One hour after lunch
  3. Three hours after lunch
  4. One hour after dinner
  5. Before you go to bed

Average these five numbers (divide by 5)

Plug that number into the calculator ON THIS PAGE

This will be a pretty close approximation of your A1c at this time.



God bless you. I will be adding to this page so check back soon. And by all means pray and ask your Heavenly Father to help you win this battle. You are not alone in this. "If God is for us, who can be against us?"



Diabetes Emergency Kit

This video series consists of 7 videos, most of which have two different "Beat Diabetes" episodes. Dennis Pollock shares insights and tips that demonstrate how he beat diabetes and has been able to live as a non-diabetic for years, even though diabetes tried desperately to claim him. With this series Dennis has sifted through his many videos on the subject of beating diabetes, and put together those special videos that contain "Must-Know" insights for every diabetic. Download this series by clicking here.



More Fundamentals
of Beating Diabetes

This video series features video episodes from "Beat Diabetes." These videos have been selected as the most important and fundamental videos a new diabetic will need. This video series, along with the "Diabetes Emergency Kit" will give you the fundamental knowledge you need to quickly lower your A1c, normalize your fasting glucose levels, and have you on your way to a life without diabetes, without diabetic symptoms, and with the freedom of knowing that diabetes must stay away from your life!. Download this series by clicking here.


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Just for you!

Missions Outreach

A major part of Spirit of Grace Ministries is our ministry in the great continent of Africa. There is a tremendous harvest going on in the world these days, and we are privileged to be a part of it. Above is a brief music video featuring video clips and pics from our recent mission in Nigeria in Oct/Nov, 2019.

Audio Devo: "Why is there suffering?"

People have debated this question for millennia. And we cannot speak concerning specific individual questions of suffering, but the Bible clearly speaks as to why suffering has always been a part of the human experience.