Our Latest Devos
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(The audio recordings run approximately 12 minutes, and make a great morning devotional. Feel free to download as many as you like and play them in your car player as you go to work.)
The Most Powerful Words - 634 Dennis discusses the most important words that anyone can express if they are wholehearted. article/mp3
Why is it Difficult to be Saved? - 633 Following Christ is costly. article/mp3
Backsliding - 632 Abiding in Christ is the key to faithfulness. article/mp3
Sin, Addiction, & Disease - 631 Own what you have done and ask Him to forgive you of your sins and deliver you. article/mp3
God's Hidden Shaft- 630 Your special times with God and Christ in His word and prayer will pay big dividends in your later days. article/mp3
David's Restoration - 629 Guilty sinners can be saved, and straying believers can be restored. article/mp3.
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